
Differential Indexing Using the Dividing Head

We use Differential indexing when it is not possible to make an equidistant division with direct indexing method with a…

5 years hace

What is a Vernier Caliper and What is it For?

To the question: What is a Vernier Caliper? You can be answered with a large amount of information. The vernier…

5 years hace

How to Copy a Metric Helical Gear

In this post I want to share with you: How to Copy a Metric Helical Gear from another one, that…

5 years hace

Vernier Caliper In Millimeters, Reading: 0.02 mm.

In this post we will see: How to read a Vernier Caliper in millimeters, vernier scale: 0.02 mm. And as…

5 years hace

How to Read a Vernier Calliper in Fractional Inches

In this post I want to share you How to read a vernier calliper in fractional inches, Welcome! Reading a…

6 years hace

How to Obtain the 5.03937 Constant?

What is the 5.03937 Constant? well, I have the need to share this information, because there are many visitors and…

6 years hace

How to Convert Millimeters to Fractional Inch Known

Many times in my practice life has presented me a little problem, How to convert millimeters to fractions known inch…

9 years hace