

How to Obtain the 5.03937 Constant?

What is the 5.03937 Constant? well, I have the need to share this information, because there are many visitors and subscribers of the YouTube channel who ask me this very often: How to Obtain the 5.03937 Constant?

5.03937 Constant

This constant is part of the method to convert millimeters to fractions of known inches.

The constant is actually 5.03937/128, a value that is in inches.

If we divide this figure or the numerator against the denominator the result is 0.03937 inches which is equivalent to 1 millimeter.

Now, if you have a value in millimeters and if it is multiplied by 1, nothing happens, the value in millimeters does not change.

What I do in my method is multiply a value in millimeters by a special 1.

This special value is a fraction that is in inches (5.03937/128). With this I get a fractional in inches.

The value 5.03937 went from looking for a number that met a condition:

Find a figure that is equivalent to 1 mm. in inches (0.03937) and at the same time having the denominator value 128:

This way we obtain a simple equation:

0.03937 = X/128

Now we are going to clear the variable X

then, 128(0.03937) = X
Resolving: X = 5.03937

That’s the whole thing, it’s not hard.

I hope this information will help and that when you take your conversion exams and if your teachers ask you where you got the 5.03937 constant, you can explain this method.


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